Welcome! I never thought I would be one to blog. However, the times are a-changin'. Brad and I have been married three weeks! We love our community in Raleigh, but we also miss our sweet family and friends who are spread across the country. So, this will be our attempt to keep all of you informed! So, lets begin.
Brad started his fourth semester at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary last week. Looks like he is going to have a busy semester with his classes. Fortunately, I have a very smart husband who will be able to dominate Hebrew II. I'll be available to help with making note cards, but thats about as far as my help can go...besides being his number one fan and cheerleader, of course.
Brad leads worship for the youth on Sundays, the College/Singles on Wednesdays, and a downtown outreach ministry on every other Thursday. Here's more about that ministry (www.yourcitylights.org) So inbetween all of this he has rehearsal with the bands and works in his office at the church. As you can tell, Brad stays busy.
I have not started working yet, but hope to get started something this next week. Drug and background checks are taking awhile to process. I will be working for an organization called SouthLight. You can read about it here: (www.southlight.org). Not only will I be working here but I have the wonderful opportunity to do my practicum and internship for my Masters in Counseling at SouthLight. It will be from my previous experience with victims of domestic violence so I am looking forward to learning a lot! I am taking comps in March so the studying process began this week. I am hoping to study everyday and be fully prepared by the time March 26 gets here.
Before we had time to get really busy the weather gave us a long weekend indoors. Starting Friday night the snow covered Raleigh. Yesterday, Brad and I ventured outside to see how much had fallen. We measured about 5 inches and it was still coming down. It snowed again last night so we probably ended up with about 6 inches. It's the dusty non-snowman building kind of snow so we weren't able to play a lot. Brad was able to decorate our front yard with a lovely snow angel, though. Until January I had not seen snow in years. Since Jan. 7 2010, we have seen snow three times. The first was the Thursday and Friday in Birmingham before we got married. Brad and I discussed how we had never been so unhappy about snow in our lives. The second snow we got was during our honeymoon in Hot Springs, NC. I'll save that story/experience for another day. Then this weekend, which has been a lot of fun! Snow is so pretty, but blinding when the sun is shining brightly!
Brad and I have been very blessed during this season of our lives. We are renting a wonderful house from a couple who has been living in Switzerland the past year and a half. They will be gone through the summer, but in the meantime Brad and I are loving keeping their house company! All of the furniture and most of the decorations are theirs so don't let your mind wander trying to figure out how we can afford this great stuff.
Song of the day...it won't escape your mind...it is on most commercials...and lets be honest, its catchy. I can't get this song out of my head. I even tried singing Beauty and the Beast this morning, but it continues to dominate. "I Gotta Feeling" By Black Eyed Peas...Give me another song to sing, please!
Here are some pictures from this weekend along with some pictures of our house.

More to come.... Next post, Our Wedding and Honeymoon...The pictures are in!
Meredith B. Cleveland