Sunday, after a wonderful time at church, Brad and I had some friends over for a potluck lunch! I bought a HoneyBaked Ham and we had tons of other great food! Brad and I wanted to have friends over who were not able to spend Easter with their families. I was able to use all of my fine china for the first time, too! Here are some pictures Lane took!

In other news, this weekend Brad decided he had heard enough of my complaining due to extreme tingling/numbness/uncomfortable in my right knee/leg. I mean, I love to run and not being able to was so frustrating! For the past several weeks running would cause major discomfort and recently the only exercise I could do was walk at a normal pace. So, Monday we went to the orthopedic surgeon and was told I pulled some of my accessory muscles in my hamstring. Apparently, people who run a lot can have this problem. The PA (who favored Dr. Sorrell, for you B'ham people) told me the only way for complete and fast healing would be physical therapy and some NSAID gel. I'm glad to know whats wrong and to hopefully be back to normal soon!
Next week, Brad's parents and granddad are coming to visit! We haven't seen them since the wedding and I'm looking forward to spending time with them! Our good friends, Laura Ashley and Lee will be here next week to visit, too! I can't tell you how excited I am for them to move up here this summer! I've know them since I moved to Mobile and Brad lived with Lee his senior year at UM!
My supervisor for my practicum/internship asked me to read A General Theory of Love. I've only read a fourth of it and it's pretty interesting if you read it with an open mind. It was written by three doctors and my supervisor told me they do a great job of explaining how parents really affect their children's ability to love others. Basically, the dysfunctional clients I will be working with more than likely came from dysfunctional homes.
That's all for now!