Sunday, May 16, 2010

Raleigh, I like you.

I have been a Raleigh resident for four months and the more I found out about the Oak City, the more I like it. Now, let me just preface this with by saying when I talk about Raleigh, I'm not talking about the city and all surrounding areas. Its not like when I was growing up and people said they were from Birmingham but actually lived in Chelsea, which is not even in the same county. This would soon be followed by a response like, "I only date/associate with people with a "1" as the first number on the license plate." Ok, I know, I was a snob and then married somebody with a "2" but at least it wasn't a "58"...
Back to what I was saying...It is possible to spend all your money shopping, hanging out, and eating and only buy from local businesses. I love it. It makes what I do seem so much more personal. Don't get me wrong, I love Target and H&M, but I also love all the local places. According to my friends from Raleigh, I haven't even visited some of the best places.

Brad and I went to the State Farmer's Market on Friday. I took some clients from work there last weekend and didn't have enough time to do some shopping of my own. Brad and I got some fresh vegetables, lemonade (with cherries, limes, and oranges), and our first babies...Lil Guy and Petey. We now have two cacti sitting on our kitchen counter. The lady at the market told us to make sure we give them lots of sun. So, being the good, new mom, I put them on the dashboard in the blazing sun on the way home. Two minutes later, one left turn, and Lil Guy had flipped over and dug himself in my knee leaving several needles in my leg and dirt all over me and the car. It was intense, but Lil Guy sustained no permanent injuries from the fall and should have a full recovery.

Here are some of my favorite places, so far, in Raleigh! Enjoy!

1. Morning Times is my favorite coffee shop! In the middle of downtown it's a great place to get and enjoy coffee! Brad and I have a slight addiction to coffee and there are many great coffee shops in Raleigh but this place won me over with the latte, carrot cake, and free WiFi.

2. At the end of the corner, two shops down from Morning Times is Stitch. I haven't actually bought anything here yet, but I can't help but stop in almost every time we walk by. Holly Aiken makes the cutest wallets, bags, and accessories! They are so unique and the friends that I know who own a piece of her creation say it is super durable! I am in the process of trying to decide which colors I want for the wallet. I love them all! Holly's precious golden retriever sits in the shop throughout the day and sleeps in the windows at night! P.S. Brad loves this store, too, and is working on getting a guitar custom strap.

3. Of course, the State Farmer's Market. $4 lemonade was worth every penny!

4. My home. I'm not going to lie, I've done some excellent cooking in the past few months. I have only repeated a few meals and I have baked more desserts in the past few months than I have in my entire life (I have a chocolate pound cake in the oven now). I love the kitchen and I have really loved getting good use out of my new recipe books and aprons! As seen in a previous post. Brad and I have been blessed to be spending the first 6 months of marriage in Nate and Maria's house. It has been wonderful! We have been looking for a new home as of lately and I'm pretty excited about the possibilities! More to come on that...

5. Bay Leaf Baptist Church is our church home and it is located in North Raleigh. The people at the church have been amazing and so welcoming to me since I moved up here. Brad has been on staff there since just shortly after starting seminary. This is our family in Raleigh. We attend the regular services on Sunday morning, the youth service on Sunday nights and the College/Seminary/Singles service on Wednesdays. Oh, and the worship leader is way hot! :)

Lil Guy and Petey

Raleigh is feeling more like home everyday, but there are still cities I would love to one day call home, again. One of those being Nashville. Fortunately, next weekend Brad and I are taking vacation for the first time since our honeymoon to Nashville. Our great friends Virginia and John are getting married next Saturday in Kingsport, TN! Brad and I decided to keep on driving to Nashville after the wedding! We are so excited to see family and friends for a few days! Grab your route 44 drink from Sonic, Combos and trail mix! It's road trip time!!!