Shortly after Brad and I got married we were approached by the preschool director, Lori, at our church who was trying to start a new program. Most of the schools in Raleigh go all year long so during "track out" times these kids are left needed some type of childcare while their parents work. Lori came up with this great idea that not only offers childcare to these kids but allows them to learn certain hobbies. So, this Fall Brad began teaching guitar lessons while I taught ballet classes for the Enrichment program at Bay Leaf. My kids range from ages 3 to 5 and they are the cutest kids ever. I was 3 when I started taking ballet and I remember being just as excited as these girls are about being able to do a passe and plie. Here are a few pictures from the classes. Aren't they so cute in their little leotards, tights and skirts?

Pretty toes and ugly toes!

News Flash: You guys are the cutest couple ever.